Tag Archive: artist

Expect the Un-Expected

I have always considered myself to be a optimisic person and through the years, my optimism has decreased.  Life has a way of doing this to us and at times, it’s hard to find the silver lining in any situation as we get older.

Expect the Unexpected

The one thing I have noticed with young kids, is that they expect the unexpected.  It could be something huge like going to a theme park, or even as simple as going to a movie. Kids have the amazing ability to enjoy the moment, good, bad or indifferent.  Their anticipation and expectations are pure emotions of happiness, excitement of not knowing, and joy of a new experience.

I believe if we allow ourselves to see things through the eyes of a child, it will bring back the very joy that life has a way of stealing, we must expect the unexpected.


Decisions…we make them everyday.  Whether they are small daily ones or once in a lifetime, life altering ones, we make them.

At times, the fear of the unknown is what frightens us, makes us hesitate to move forward.  We start to doubt ourselves, doubt the opportunity awaiting us.  It is during these times I have to truly dig deep within myself, to find enough strength to take that first step towards the door and enough courage to walk through it.



Fine Art Photography

It has been six months since my last post. This was the year I promised myself that I would be more diligent with writing weekly entries. As you can see I haven’t even come close to keeping this one. 

My goal this year regarding my photography was to discover the type of photographer I want to be. 

Like most artist starting out, you go through a learning process of understanding your craft. I did this by going back to school to learn the basics of photography.  During this process I learned technics that gave me a good foundation.  I started to study other photographer’s in my field and asked myself “what do I like about this photo”? I started to develope an understanding of the type of photographer I wanted to be.

As I started to practice the technics I learned in school… I started to compare my work with others who were learning the same things and yet some of them took photos like the had been doing this forever.  Then there were other’s, myself included that needed to practice more.  At times this comparison mind game was very frustrating, I had allowed it to consume me. What I have learned in the past 2 years, is not to compare myself to other’s.  I have to remind myself that I am one of a kind, I think, I process, I create differently. We are all different and that is the most beautiful part of being an artist.  There will be people who love what I create and other’s who will ask “what was she thinking”.  It’s okay, (sigh).  I have to create what excites me because it is a way to express who I am, what I feel, and to make other’s feel. 

So after a long journey of discovering the different photography catagories out there I know what I want to specialize in…Fine Art Photography.  I want to create what is in my thoughts, with no limitations.